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The Relevant Anatomy & Aftercare Method/Theory course is an 8-hour in-depth, yet practical, study of different aspects of the human anatomy that are specifically relevant to traditional tattooing, cosmetic tattooing and body piercing. The course will address troubleshooting and assessment skills, objective product overviews, in addition to the following: all of the major systems involved, including vascular, muscular, nervous and lymphatic, appropriate skin preparation (pre-procedure), appropriate aftercare (post-procedure), all of the basic piercing locations, including genital and oral, common "surface" or nontraditional piercing locations, appropriate placement and assessment (tattoo & piercing) and potential for complications.
Includes: all instructional and reference materials and a certificate of completion
Tested: No
Fee: $350.00 (US) per person
Deposit: Non-refundable $100.00 (US) is required
Lodging and Meals: Not included
See also : Wound Care Intensive
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